Patagonia and om | nieuwe energie work together to increase sustainable living in The Netherlands. We do that by supplying the employees and relations of Patagonia with 100% renewable energy. Clean energy which we produce in your own neighbourhood by roofs full of solar panels and local wind turbines.

You may have some questions regarding registering for energy from om | nieuwe energie, as most pages are in Dutch. Therefore we have enlisted the most common answers to application below.
Contributing to a sustainable city is easy!
How to join?
You can apply for 100% renewable energy from om | nieuwe energie throug the link below. This link will direct you to our online tool which calculates how much energy we expect you to consume within the coming year.
Based on this information you get to see the estimated montly cost of 4 different products. After choosing the product of your liking, we will ask you to complete the form with your personal details. After signing up you will receive your contract by mail.
Every customer has the opportunity to revoke their application within 14 days. This is required by Dutch law. Because of this the start of your energy supply will always lie at least 14 days in the future. Please contact us directly when energy supply is needed earlier.
If you need help with your application, feel free to contact us at or 0222-760 044.

Together we make
a difference
The more people join our movement, the bigger the impact.
- The only national nonprofit energy supplier in the Netherlands: all investments flow back to our cusotmers by lowering prices and producing more sustainable energy in your neighbourhood.
- Ranked as the highest-rated energy supplier by the Consumers’ Association years in a row.
- Helps to stimulate the local economy and to make the environment more sustainable.
- 100% sustainable energy, produced by wind and sun.
- Have control over your energy and energy supplier.
Given a 10 out of 10 by Consumentenbond, Greenpeace, WISE and Natuur&Milieu

What is in it for you?
We believe we can make sustainability fun when we do it together. And we also believe that we need each other to achieve the sustainable goals and make an impact.
Therefore we would like to ask you to join our movement and help us creating the snowball effect. When you do, we would like to show our appreciation by:
- Inviting you to the sustainable escape experience at your office.
- Help you save energy, therefore you will receive our energy saving package.
- For every new customer you invite to join you will receive 20 euro, to spend or give to someone in need.

Fixed or variable prices?
At om | nieuwe energie you have the option to choose between 4 different contracts: 1 year fixed, 2 years fixed, 3 years fixed and variable.
With a fixed contract the energy price per kWh stays the same for as long as the contract is running (with a maximum of 3 years). However, the price you pay depends on the month in which you apply for energy. Our fixed prices change every month. For example: If you apply in April for a 1 year fixed contract, you will get the prices of April for that whole period.
With a fixed contract you are unable to freely switch to another supplier as long as your contract is running. You are however able to switch by paying a fine.
Variable prices are set on the 1st of January and on the 1st of July and are adjusted to average energy prices of that moment. When you apply for a variable contract, the price automatically changes every half year. In contrast to a fixed contract you are not bound to a set period and you are free to change supplier or switch from variable to a fixed price whenever you want.

Payments and meter readings
When you apply for energy we estimate what amount of energy you will use within the coming year. Each month you will pay 1/12 of the total amount of energy we expect you to use.
After twelve months of supply we look at your meter readings to determine how much energy you’ve actually consumed. If you used less than expexted, you will get a refund. If you used more than expected, you will have to pay a little extra.

Is your question not answered on this page? Contact us at or 0222-760 044.
No, by signing up through our website you have accepted the conditions.
After you’ve applied for energy, you can send an e-mail to stating that you want to waive the legal cooling off period and thus giving us permission to start our supply sooner. Let us know on what date you want the supply to start and we’ll take care of the rest.
The fixed and Flex prices are determined by the supplier.
The prices of the grid operator and taxes are determined by the grid operator and the government; they change every year on the 1st of January and are applied to every Dutch household. We will inform you when the new prices are known, some time in December.
This can happen within the first month of supply to some customers who pay through direct debit. The reason for this is because customers pay in advance for the following month. Payment always occurs around the 27th of each month.
Let’s say that your supply started on the 28th of the month of April. Because you weren’t charged on the 27th, the first payment we would be able to withdraw would be on the 27th of May, which will be your payment for the month of June. That would mean that you have not paid for the month of May. To avoid you and other new customers lagging behind with the term payments, we initiate an extra term collecting around the middle of the month of May. So you will pay twice in May, but for two different months, May and June.